Interest in RTTY over the last six months or so, suggests that it might be time to test what we have learned and share with other RTTYers in VK6
Accordingly it is proposed that a sked be set up beginning on Wednesday August 23rd, 2023 at 20:00 hrs local time. Initially it will run for 30 minutes and can be expanded, the date and start time changed, as experience dictates. The frequency will be 144.350 MHz and it will be Lower Side Band in accordance with the World Standard. We will use vertical polarisation.
Software will be MMTTY and FLdigi although other software is of course possible.
While initiated by the WA VHF Group, it is hoped that other skeds will emerge and may be on the HF bands – the more RF we “consume” across the State the better!
To be updated by experience,
Denis VK6AKR